3 Pivotal Components of SEO

With insurance marketing, search engine optimization is the goal of businesses large and small. SEO, configuring a website to rank high on search engine result pages, is often associated with clicks, keywords and arcane metrics. In reality, the foundation of a successful SEO strategy is a hard-nosed dedication to fundamentals. To implement an effective Insurance SEO strategy, you need to understand three players: your edge, your clients and search engine mechanics.

Identify Your Edge

Your edge is how your insurance business outshines competitors. With a local agency, the edge may be a stellar reputation for customer service. Alternatively, a wholesaler may excel in placing hard-to-insure clients. As for MGAs, expertise in state-of-the-art technology makes a strong selling proposition. Whatever your sector, your edge serves as the foundation of your SEO marketing strategy.

Identifying your edge compels you to look critically at how well your business measures up against competitors. Since your rivals also play the SEO game, you can glean valuable insights from their efforts. The happy result: You end up focusing on the clients you serve and prospects you aim to win over.

Know Your Clients

In the insurance business, policy provisions provide priceless insight into a client’s practical needs. This data serves as the compass heading for website content that will retain the clients on your book and win over prospects with similar needs. Content is more challenging when your business offers a new line or enters an unfamiliar region. In this situation, partnering with a marketing services provider can save months of trial and error. The needs of your clients and prospects drive their web searches, and thus it is paramount to understand the mechanics of search engines.

Understand Search Engines

Search engine providers zealously guard the algorithms that generate their website rankings, but the visible output makes it possible to glean the main components of SEO success. With your insurance business, these metrics matter:

CTR: The clickthrough rate is the number of searchers who click on your website divided by the number of times your site appears in a search.

Dwell Time: Also called engagement time, dwell time measures how long a searcher stays with your site.

Last Search Click: If a user does not return to the search listing after visiting your site, the search engines record this behavior as a customer satisfaction metric.

While CTR looms large in SEO basics, the other two yardsticks hinge on website quality. Long dwell times and last clicks happen when the user engages with a polished and confidence-building website. When your website consistently earns users’ last clicks, you are on the way to winning new business.

With insurance SEO, sweating these key players and avoiding keyword quick fixes is the path to enduring success.

About Neilson Marketing Services

Since 1988, Neilson Marketing Services has been implementing innovative marketing solutions

and strategies for our clients in all areas of marketing. Contact us today at (866) 816-1849 to put

our talent, expertise, and vast resources to work for you. Let’s make things happen, together!

Neilson Marketing Services has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Orange County SEO agencies by DesignRush

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