Five Advantages of SEO for Your Business


There is a multitude of ways to properly use SEO for your business and attract new clients and build a large portfolio. If you’ve heard of terms like SEO and rank authority, but you’re not sure what they mean, don’t worry — despite the importance of these concepts, they’re not always widely understood.

SEO For Your Business

SEO refers to search engine optimization, and rank authority refers to the value a search engine assigns your web page. These two principles work in tandem, increasing your SEO results with a better rank authority. Find out why this matters for your marketing and how SEO can benefit your business.

SEO Improves Quality of Traffic

What are the perks of SEO for your business? There are many, but perhaps the greatest is its ability to improve the quality of your website’s traffic. It utilizes an inbound marketing technique that makes it easy for your ideal customer to find you. By contrast, outbound marketing methods — such as spam, cold calling, or obtrusive advertising — are just as likely to repel customers as they are to attract them.

SEO Eliminates Cost of Ads

SEO is beneficial, too, because it’s typically more affordable than web ads and other marketing methods. Then,  you can generate more traffic and increase conversions simply by signaling to Google that your website is the one people are looking for. You can eliminate the expense of advertisements and achieve a long-lasting boost in traffic thanks to your improved rank authority.

You Get More Clicks With SEO

Why does rank authority in SEO matter? Rank authority is your website’s performance metric determined by a search engine algorithm. In other words, the higher your rank authority, the more clicks you’ll be able to get. Paid web ads may appear above organic search results, but most clicks go to unsponsored results that appear on the first page. When you invest in SEO, you get more clicks.

PR and SEO Go Hand in Hand

You might think of your public relations as separate from your marketing efforts, but the two go hand in hand when you implement an SEO strategy. Effective SEO utilizes high-quality content to achieve better rankings, and high-quality content is valuable to your prospective customers. It can improve your reputation and help you land links on other sites, further boosting your site’s ranking.

Beat the Competition With SEO

Most marketers agree that SEO is a significant component of their online presence, which means that your competitors are probably already using it. You don’t want to let them snag clicks away from clients when they could go to your website. Ultimately, you can beat your competition and ensure that customers see your site by investing in an SEO strategy.

About Neilson Marketing Services

Since 1988, Neilson Marketing Services has been implementing innovative marketing solutions and strategies for our clients in all areas of marketing. Contact us today at (866) 816-1849 to put our talent, expertise, and vast resources to work for you. Let’s make things happen, together!

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