How Will 5G Impact Web Design?

As mobile networks have evolved over the past 20 years, so too has web design. Fast mobile networks and a growing reliance on mobile computing devices to access the internet have spurred the development of responsive websites that display and function properly on smartphones or tablets. For insurance web design, new network standards mean that change is always on the horizon. How will the new 5G network standard influence insurance web design? In this guide, we will explore the implications for insurance agencies, helping them to get the most from their design efforts.

5G Network Standards: An Overview

In the modern era, smartphones and other mobile computing devices have become an everyday part of our lives. We use them to communicate and to access information about the places around us. As mobile traffic increases rapidly around the world, new networking standards are developed to meet the needs of mobile users. 5th Generation (5G) is the latest broadband cellular network standard to roll out. 5G promises to:

  • Improve operational performance in upload, download, and bandwidth speeds.
  • Make user experiences better.
  • Provide seamless coverage.
  • Manage energy and equipment costs.
  • Support a wide range of applications and services.

Unlike previous mobile network standards, 5G operates on multiple bandwidths, allowing mobile devices to connect to the highest-speed antenna within range. This has the potential to greatly improve both coverage and user satisfaction while keeping operating costs manageable for network providers.

Preparing for the 5G Future: Web Design Implications

For insurance agencies wishing to improve their online presence, new 5G networks and compatible devices represent a powerful opportunity for growth. The faster and more robust networks will give insurance web design professionals the ability to incorporate larger content pieces, such as 4K video clips, visual elements, and cloud-based apps into the design of business websites. Mobile users will be able to display these sites directly on their smartphones, tablets, and laptops, no matter where they are.

Adding video to business websites has been shown to increase user engagement. Video marketing content has demonstrated its ability to attract users and to encourage them to interact with the content, such as liking or sharing with others. Video is a cost-effective addition to the insurance digital marketing arsenal, but under current mobile network standards, high-quality 4K video tends to load slowly or to play back in stops and starts. This degrades the user experience and influences a higher bounce rate, or the rate at which website visitors leave for other sites.

Improved functionality is another critical aspect of insurance web design. On existing mobile networks, resource-intensive functions like app downloads, online forms processing, or other features may not work properly. These functions may not load quickly, display correctly, or respond rapidly enough for user expectations. 5G network standards, with their high speeds, seek to erase those deficiencies, allowing insurance web designers to focus on the overall user experience.

5G Survival Tips for Insurance Agencies

5G may once again revolutionize the way in which people interact with the Web. Better functionality and higher speeds work to improve the user experience, but these new network standards are not fully available across the country as of yet. For insurance agencies leveraging the power of digital marketing and web-based business, the key is cross-compatibility.

Many insurance website visitors will not have access to 5G networks. For insurance web design to succeed, this means that site developers must create sites that function on both older networks as well as the new standard. As 5G becomes more available to more mobile users, maintaining compatibility with the latest standards may mean some amount of redesign or improvement to give your agency website visitors the best possible experience.

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